Recent Winners

Meet our current World Morgan Futurity Champions!
All Aces
(Town Assets x Cabot Lynn Marie)
WC Futurity In-Hand 2-Year-Old Stallion
Bred & Owned by Lynn Peeples
Trained By Lynn Peeples
DCK My Bella Blue
(MLF Dynamic GCH x Lady Arabella CH)
WC Futurity In-Hand 2-Year-Old Mare
Bred by Debora Collard Kindsfater
Owned By Victoria & Brian Berry
Trained By Robert Kellert
HVK Midnight Fling
(Merriehill After Hours GCH x HVK Noble Dance BHOF)
WC Futurity In-Hand Two-Year-Old Gelding
Bred by Herbert V Kohler
Owned by David & Nina Kohler
Trained By Michael Murphy
Saralin Halo
(No Contest GCH x Saralin Heaven Sent)
WC Futurity In-Hand Yearling Colt
Bred & Owned by Saralin Morgan Horse Farm
Trained By Tim Roesink
DWS Mon Cheri
(Futurity French Command x Candelabra)
WC Futurity In-Hand Yearling Filly
Bred by David W Sproul
Owned By Arcola Farm
Trained By Hanna Johnson
Libretto’s As You Wish
(CBMF Crown Prince GCH x Fire Run Pandora)
WC Futurity In-Hand Yearling Gelding
Bred & Owned by Julia Hoag
Trained By Jessica Cavanaugh
Dragonsmeade Griffin
(JW Standing Tall x Dragonsmeade Euphoria)
WC Futurity Park Saddle 3-Year-Old
Bred & Owned by Dragonsmeade
Trained By Tim Roesink
One Night Standards
(BKC Valiant Star x SSLLC Perfect Timing)
WC Futurity Hunter Pleasure 3-Year-Old
Bred by Jay Dee Graber
Owned By Reindance Stables
Trained By Amanda Dupont
Indian Creek Fancy Me
(Indian Creek Highlander x Cache BHOF)
WC Futurity Classic Pleasure Driving 3-Year-Old
Bred & Owned by Indian Creek Morgan Farm
Trained By Shanna Gish
Ledyard Unity
(Graycliff Tony GCH x CBMF Immortal Belle)
WC Futurity English Pleasure 3-Year Old
Bred by Ledyard Company LLC
Owned By Holliston Stables LLC
Trained By John Velardi
Prom Dress
(Dressed Up GCH x Tomeri Ziggy Stardust)
WC Futurity Park Harness 2-Year-Old
Bred by Troy & Charlotte Calli
Owned By Tony & Lauren Seatts
Trained By Robert Hughes
Ledgefields Juliet
(Ledgefields Jagged Edge x Queenʼs Babydoll)
WC Futurity Park Harness 3-Year-Old
Bred by Jill & Steven Tassinari
Owned By Martin’s Farm LLC
Trained By Tim Roesink
Feelin’ Like A Million
(Minion Millennium x EKL Boogieʼs Pretty Lady)
WC Futurity Western Pleasure 3-Year-Old
Bred by Valeria Morgans LLC
Owned By Stoney Point Morgans
Trained By Rick Gervasio
Key Spot On
(Harlanʼs Balanced Image x Dragonsmeade Take Note)
WC Futurity Pleasure Driving 3-Year-Old
Bred by Joe Zehr
Owned By Cressilee Bryant
Trained By Shanna Gish
Totally Predicted
(As Predicted GCH x Boticelli Belle LBR)
WC Futurity Pleasure Driving 2-Year-old
Bred by William & Mary Yoder
Owned By Robinson Family Trust
Trained By Austin Hazelwood

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Have questions? You can reach Kelly McFaul and the WMF team here! Or call Kelly directly at (316) 650-2287.
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